Helping Arizona Parents Seek And Modify Child Support Orders For A Fair Outcome
The question for most parents after parenting time has been decided is how much child support the custodial parent will receive. Our experienced family law attorney works to ensure that the child support order created in Arizona is fair for both mother and father. With more than 23 years of experience in dealing with child support modification decrees and child support related issues, the law office of Rebecca L. Owen, PLLC, can answer these often-complicated questions quickly.
What Determines Child Support?
In the state of Arizona, there are a number of factors that the state and courts look at to figure out who pays child support, and how much is paid. Among these are:
- Income of both parties
- If alimony/spousal maintenance is being paid, and if so, how much
- Whether one, or both, of the parties has other children that they are required to support
- Who is paying health insurance for the children
- Who is paying the child care of the children
- Who has custody of the children, and for what length of time
- Paternity
Child support continues until the child turns 18 or graduates from high school, whichever happens last. If the income of either parent or circumstances change over the course of a child’s life, a parent can request a child support modification to either increase or decrease the amount of support being paid. Attorney Rebecca L. Owen aids clients in determining whether a modification is a viable option and if so will assist the client in the modification process.
Need Help? Contact Us.
We can answer any questions or legal problems you might have relating to child support legal issues or other family law matters. You can contact our office by calling 602-635-2765 or toll-free at 877-463-0922, or by email.