Assisting Mothers And Fathers In Arizona With Paternity Issues
Questions of paternity generally involve unmarried parents who are unaware of their rights or obligations under the law. At the law office of Rebecca L. Owen, PLLC, we assist both fathers and mothers in all aspects of paternity disputes. We understand that you have many questions, and are here to answer those questions.
The establishment of paternity is key to determining child custody, child support and visitation. Are you involved in a paternity dispute? Do you have to go through DNA testing to determine if you are the father of a child? Contact the law office of Rebecca L. Owen, PLLC, to schedule your consultation.
Paternity Can Affect Child Custody And Visitation
When a child is born to unmarried parents, the father may not have legal rights to child custody or visitation. However, custody and visitation can be established via a paternity action. Our firm represents fathers who wish to establish their legal rights to custody and visitation. Our firm also represents mothers who wish to establish paternity for their child or children.
Assisting You With Paternity And Child Support Matters
It is necessary to establish paternity before child support can be determined and enforced. Attorney Rebecca L. Owen provides knowledgeable legal guidance to those parents seeking financial assistance.
Questions? Contact Us.
Let us help resolve your paternity issues. Send us your questions or talk to us by calling our Phoenix office at 602-635-2765 or 877-463-0922. Initial consultations are available.